…. 여성가족부장관으로 부터 가족친화인증서 발급.. Certificate of 'HEALTHY FAMILY' has been issued from the Minister of Gender Equality and Family….
우수한 가족친화경영 운영체제를 구축하고 가족친화제도를 운영함으로써 근로자의 일, 생활균형을 지원하고 국가 경쟁력 향상에 기여하였기에 여성가족부 장관으로부터 2017년 이어 2020년에도 가족친화기업으로 인증되었습니다.
It was certified as a family-friendly company by the Minister of Gender Equality and Family in 2017 and 2020 as a family-friendly company by establishing an excellent family-friendly management system and operating a family-friendly system to support workers' work and life balance and contribute to improving national competitiveness.