연혁..Corporate History


.... 2012 - 현재.. 2012 - Present....

2024.07 ....중소벤처기업부 모범중소기업표창..Ministry of SMEs and Startups' Exemlpary Small and Medium Business Commendation....
2023.12 ....경영혁신형 중소기업(MAIN-BIZ) 선정..Main Biz Selection by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups....
2023.11 ....태양광 발전 설비 구축..Establishment of solar power generation facilities....
2022.12 ....경기신용보증재단 파트너 기업 선정..Gyeonggi Credit Guarantee Foundation Partner company selection....
2022.12 ....여성가족부 가족친화인증 재인증..Re-Certificate of 'HEALTHY FAMILY' has been issued from the Minister of Gender Equality and Family....
2021.12 ....건설업 면허 취득 (금속구조물,창호,온실공사업)..Acquisition of a construction business license (Metal structures, A window, Greenhouse construction project)....
2020.04 ....나이스디앤비 기술등급 T-3 인증..Nice D&B Technical Class T-3 Certification....
2019.10 ....한국가스공사 EHSQ 안전 컨설팅 실시..EHSQ safety consulting with Korea Gas Corporation....
2018.07 ....한국산업안전보건공단 위험성 평가 적합 인정..Conformity recognize risk evaluation from Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency....
2017.12 ....여성가족부 가족친화인증서 발급..Certificate of 'HEALTHY FAMILY' has been issued from the Minister of Gender Equality and Family ....
2017.10 ....고용노동청 일생활 캠페인 참여 확인서 발급..Participation Certificate of 'Work&Life Balance Campaign' has been issued ....
2017.08 ....한국상하수도협회 폴리우레아 도장 인증서 발급..Issued quality assurance certificate for Polyurea coating from KWWA ....
2017.03 ....한국신뢰성인증학회 RS 인증서 취득 - 수도강관용 코팅제 품목 ..Obtain certificate of Reliability from Korea Reliability Certification Center....
2016.06 ....한국상하수도협회 KS 인증계약 체결 - 상수도용 도복장 강관 품목 (KS D 3565) & 압출식 폴리에틸렌 피복 강관 품목 (KS D 3589) ..Contracts awarded certification KS from Korea water and wastewater works association....
2015.09 ....한국산업안전보건공단 위험성 평가 적합 인정 ..Conformity recognize risk evaluation from Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency....
2015.08 ....중소기업중앙회 직접생산확인증명서 취득 ..Production validation certificate acquisition directly from Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business....
2014.06 ....한국산업안전보건공단 재해예방활동 인정 ..Disaster prevention activity recognition from Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency....
2013.08 ....한국상하수도 협회 상수도용 도복장강관 위생안전기준 인증 ..Acquired water service Wrapped Steel Pipe hygiene safe criterion from Korea Water and sewage Association....
2013.01 ....고용노동청 위험성 평가 적합 인정..Conformity recognize risk evaluation from Employment and Labor Administration....
2012.04 ....한국가스공사와 폐기물 저감을 위한 협약 체결 ..Conclusion of agreement for waste reduction with Korea Gas Corporation....

.... 2006 - 2009

2009.12 ....한국산업은행으로 부터 유망중소기업 선정..The selection prospective medium & small enterprise from Korea Development Bank ....
2009.08 ....한국산업안전보건공단으로 부터 무재해 목표달성 인증서 수여 ..Acquired injury record achieevement certification from Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency ....
2009.03 ....특허등록 제 10-0891737호 명칭: 직관 연결용 소켓장치..Registered patent (No. 10-0891737: title of patent in "connection of straight pipe soket equipment".) ....
2009.03 ....본점 이전..Head office move....
2008.12 ....중소기업진흥공단 Family 기업 지정 ..Appointed "Family Corporation" from Small & medium Business Corporation....
2007.11 ....산업자원부와 한국무역협회로부터 '3백만불 수출의 탑' 수상 ..Awarded "The tower of 3millon Dollors Export" from Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy & Korea International Trade Association ....
2007.10 ....ISO인증 취득(ISO 14001:2004 / KS A 14001:2004) 강관코팅의 설계,개발,제조 및 부가서비스 ..Obtained ISO certification(ISO14001:2004 / KS A 14001:2004)....
2007.07 ....특허등록 제 10-0746366호 명칭: 분말 접착제를 이용한 강관 코팅 장치 및 방법..Registered patent (No. 2006-0025362:the title of "Equipment and means of pipe coating by using powder adhesive". ....
2007.05 ....기술혁신형 중소기업(INNO-BIZ)기업 인증(등급:Aa) ..Acquired " INNO-BIZ" Certification from Small and Medium Business Administration ....
2006.09 ....특허등록 제 10-0626291호 명칭: 관 연결 구조..Registered patent(No. 2005-0029823:the title of "Structure of pipe joint".) ....
2006.08 ....특허등록 제 10-0612899호 명칭 : 원터치 연결방식의 관이음용 소켓 및 이를 일체로 구비한 파이프..Registered patent(No. 2004-0090302:the title of "one-touch connection of pipe joint socket and pipe of all-in one")....
2006.01 ....실용신안등록 제 0407864호 명칭: 무용접 플랜지 관연결 조인트..Registered utility model (No. 0407864:the title of "none weld flange connection of pipe joint")....

.... 2002 - 2005

2005.11 ....기업부설 연구소 등록 (한국산업기술진흥협회, 제 20042224호) ..Registered utility model(No. 0407864:the title of "none weld flange connection of pipe joint".....
2004.11 ....특허출원 제 2005-0110548호 명칭: 무용접 플랜지 관연결 조인트..Registered institute attached to our company-the code no:2004224- in to Korean Industry Technology Development Association....
2004.05 ....유망중소기업 지정(한국에너지 기술연구소. No. 2004-7)..Appointed "promising small and medium company "from Korean energy and technology Institute (NO : 2004-7).... ....한국금속공업협동조합 회원가입.. Became member of Korean metal industry's cooperative union....
2004.02 ....ISO인증 취득(KS A 9001:2001 / ISO 9001:2000)(제KQS 5831호).. .... ....상수도용 도복장 강관 및 압출식 폴리에틸렌 피복강관의 생산 및 부가서비스..Obtained ISO certification(KS A 9001 / ISO 9001)(NO : KQS 5831) ....
2004.01 ....포항지점 등기 KS인증 취득 - 압출식 폴리에틸렌 피복강관 / KS D 3589 (제02-2891호) KS인증 취득 - 상수도용 도복장 강관 / KS D 3565 (제02-2892호).. Achieve KS certification at Pohang branch office. Extruding polyethylene coated steel pipe / KS D 3565(NO : 02-2891) Coated Steel pipe for drinking water supply / KS D 3589(NO : 02-2892) ....
2003.07 ....포항공장 인수 (업종 : 제조, 강관코팅) ..Acquired Pohang factory on business of manufacturing and steel pipe coating. ....
2003.02 ....한국무역협회회원가입..Membership of Korean Trading Association ....
2002.06 ....전문 건설업 면허 취득 ..Achieved professional construction license. .... ....창호 공사업 : 강남-02-08-05 .. Chang Ho Public Business : Kang Nam-02-08-05.... ....건축물 조립공사업 : 강남-02-20-01..Construction Assembly Public Business : Kang Nam-02-20-01 ....
2002.04 ....주식회사 대륙금속 설립..Established Corporation of Dae Ryuk. .... ....본점 소재지 : 서울시 강남구 도곡동 467-6 대림아크로텔 3113호 .. Location of head office : Dae Lim Acrotel 3113 ho, Do Gok Dong 467-6, Kang Nam Gu, Seoul. ....