연혁..Corporate History
.... 2012 - 현재.. 2012 - Present....
2024.07 | ....중소벤처기업부 모범중소기업표창..Ministry of SMEs and Startups' Exemlpary Small and Medium Business Commendation.... |
2023.12 | ....경영혁신형 중소기업(MAIN-BIZ) 선정..Main Biz Selection by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups.... |
2023.11 | ....태양광 발전 설비 구축..Establishment of solar power generation facilities.... |
2022.12 | ....경기신용보증재단 파트너 기업 선정..Gyeonggi Credit Guarantee Foundation Partner company selection.... |
2022.12 | ....여성가족부 가족친화인증 재인증..Re-Certificate of 'HEALTHY FAMILY' has been issued from the Minister of Gender Equality and Family.... |
2021.12 | ....건설업 면허 취득 (금속구조물,창호,온실공사업)..Acquisition of a construction business license (Metal structures, A window, Greenhouse construction project).... |
2020.04 | ....나이스디앤비 기술등급 T-3 인증..Nice D&B Technical Class T-3 Certification.... |
2019.10 | ....한국가스공사 EHSQ 안전 컨설팅 실시..EHSQ safety consulting with Korea Gas Corporation.... |
2018.07 | ....한국산업안전보건공단 위험성 평가 적합 인정..Conformity recognize risk evaluation from Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency.... |
2017.12 | ....여성가족부 가족친화인증서 발급..Certificate of 'HEALTHY FAMILY' has been issued from the Minister of Gender Equality and Family .... |
2017.10 | ....고용노동청 일생활 캠페인 참여 확인서 발급..Participation Certificate of 'Work&Life Balance Campaign' has been issued .... |
2017.08 | ....한국상하수도협회 폴리우레아 도장 인증서 발급..Issued quality assurance certificate for Polyurea coating from KWWA .... |
2017.03 | ....한국신뢰성인증학회 RS 인증서 취득 - 수도강관용 코팅제 품목 ..Obtain certificate of Reliability from Korea Reliability Certification Center.... |
2016.06 | ....한국상하수도협회 KS 인증계약 체결 - 상수도용 도복장 강관 품목 (KS D 3565) & 압출식 폴리에틸렌 피복 강관 품목 (KS D 3589) ..Contracts awarded certification KS from Korea water and wastewater works association.... |
2015.09 | ....한국산업안전보건공단 위험성 평가 적합 인정 ..Conformity recognize risk evaluation from Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency.... |
2015.08 | ....중소기업중앙회 직접생산확인증명서 취득 ..Production validation certificate acquisition directly from Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business.... |
2014.06 | ....한국산업안전보건공단 재해예방활동 인정 ..Disaster prevention activity recognition from Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency.... |
2013.08 | ....한국상하수도 협회 상수도용 도복장강관 위생안전기준 인증 ..Acquired water service Wrapped Steel Pipe hygiene safe criterion from Korea Water and sewage Association.... |
2013.01 | ....고용노동청 위험성 평가 적합 인정..Conformity recognize risk evaluation from Employment and Labor Administration.... |
2012.04 | ....한국가스공사와 폐기물 저감을 위한 협약 체결 ..Conclusion of agreement for waste reduction with Korea Gas Corporation.... |
.... 2006 - 2009
2009.12 | ....한국산업은행으로 부터 유망중소기업 선정..The selection prospective medium & small enterprise from Korea Development Bank .... |
2009.08 | ....한국산업안전보건공단으로 부터 무재해 목표달성 인증서 수여 ..Acquired injury record achieevement certification from Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency .... |
2009.03 | ....특허등록 제 10-0891737호 명칭: 직관 연결용 소켓장치..Registered patent (No. 10-0891737: title of patent in "connection of straight pipe soket equipment".) .... |
2009.03 | ....본점 이전..Head office move.... |
2008.12 | ....중소기업진흥공단 Family 기업 지정 ..Appointed "Family Corporation" from Small & medium Business Corporation.... |
2007.11 | ....산업자원부와 한국무역협회로부터 '3백만불 수출의 탑' 수상 ..Awarded "The tower of 3millon Dollors Export" from Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy & Korea International Trade Association .... |
2007.10 | ....ISO인증 취득(ISO 14001:2004 / KS A 14001:2004) 강관코팅의 설계,개발,제조 및 부가서비스 ..Obtained ISO certification(ISO14001:2004 / KS A 14001:2004).... |
2007.07 | ....특허등록 제 10-0746366호 명칭: 분말 접착제를 이용한 강관 코팅 장치 및 방법..Registered patent (No. 2006-0025362:the title of "Equipment and means of pipe coating by using powder adhesive". .... |
2007.05 | ....기술혁신형 중소기업(INNO-BIZ)기업 인증(등급:Aa) ..Acquired " INNO-BIZ" Certification from Small and Medium Business Administration .... |
2006.09 | ....특허등록 제 10-0626291호 명칭: 관 연결 구조..Registered patent(No. 2005-0029823:the title of "Structure of pipe joint".) .... |
2006.08 | ....특허등록 제 10-0612899호 명칭 : 원터치 연결방식의 관이음용 소켓 및 이를 일체로 구비한 파이프..Registered patent(No. 2004-0090302:the title of "one-touch connection of pipe joint socket and pipe of all-in one").... |
2006.01 | ....실용신안등록 제 0407864호 명칭: 무용접 플랜지 관연결 조인트..Registered utility model (No. 0407864:the title of "none weld flange connection of pipe joint").... |
.... 2002 - 2005
2005.11 | ....기업부설 연구소 등록 (한국산업기술진흥협회, 제 20042224호) ..Registered utility model(No. 0407864:the title of "none weld flange connection of pipe joint"..... |
2004.11 | ....특허출원 제 2005-0110548호 명칭: 무용접 플랜지 관연결 조인트..Registered institute attached to our company-the code no:2004224- in to Korean Industry Technology Development Association.... |
2004.05 | ....유망중소기업 지정(한국에너지 기술연구소. No. 2004-7)..Appointed "promising small and medium company "from Korean energy and technology Institute (NO : 2004-7).... ....한국금속공업협동조합 회원가입.. Became member of Korean metal industry's cooperative union.... |
2004.02 | ....ISO인증 취득(KS A 9001:2001 / ISO 9001:2000)(제KQS 5831호).. .... ....상수도용 도복장 강관 및 압출식 폴리에틸렌 피복강관의 생산 및 부가서비스..Obtained ISO certification(KS A 9001 / ISO 9001)(NO : KQS 5831) .... |
2004.01 | ....포항지점 등기 KS인증 취득 - 압출식 폴리에틸렌 피복강관 / KS D 3589 (제02-2891호) KS인증 취득 - 상수도용 도복장 강관 / KS D 3565 (제02-2892호).. Achieve KS certification at Pohang branch office. Extruding polyethylene coated steel pipe / KS D 3565(NO : 02-2891) Coated Steel pipe for drinking water supply / KS D 3589(NO : 02-2892) .... |
2003.07 | ....포항공장 인수 (업종 : 제조, 강관코팅) ..Acquired Pohang factory on business of manufacturing and steel pipe coating. .... |
2003.02 | ....한국무역협회회원가입..Membership of Korean Trading Association .... |
2002.06 | ....전문 건설업 면허 취득 ..Achieved professional construction license. .... ....창호 공사업 : 강남-02-08-05 .. Chang Ho Public Business : Kang Nam-02-08-05.... ....건축물 조립공사업 : 강남-02-20-01..Construction Assembly Public Business : Kang Nam-02-20-01 .... |
2002.04 | ....주식회사 대륙금속 설립..Established Corporation of Dae Ryuk. .... ....본점 소재지 : 서울시 강남구 도곡동 467-6 대림아크로텔 3113호 .. Location of head office : Dae Lim Acrotel 3113 ho, Do Gok Dong 467-6, Kang Nam Gu, Seoul. .... |